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Portal Functionalities
Advanced management of multiple System Administrator Functionalities
Advanced options of skipping the the workflow tasks based on organization needs
Advanced Portal / User security & rights management
Alerts & Reminders to keep the workforce updated on status
All important dates are captured in Gregorian and Hijra dates auto conversions
All important text values are captured in Arabic and English data
Application User management features are providing many options in permission level
Attractive and self explanatory Employee Self Service functionality to improve employee relationship with the support functions
Customizable banners, news and events for the ResourcePlus login website
Customization for Alert notifications in different ways
Eliminate paper based manual processes with Electronic Workflows
Employee visibility for to policies, procedures & reporting structure
Enforce measurability & accountability of vehicle, mobile, sim card etc. through the system
Entire workflow or individual tasks ownership can be shared while vacation as temporary or permanent features
Excellent to manage the page level and menu level permission for any role in the system
Facility for configuring any country's labor law in the system, Saudi labor law configured by default
Flexible and easy usage of application interface can reduce the employment costs
Keep track the history of each workflow process related actions taken by actors
Quick access of historical workflow process details because of electronic workflows
Report level permission management feature to control the permitted access of informations
ResourcePlus has both English and Arabic interface with data capture in both language at same time for the users to login and use the application in their own wish
ResourcePlus has plenty of reports available on each module under English and Arabic languages with functionality of exporting to different document format such as Excel, Word, PDF, etc
ResourcePlus is a responsive web based Human Resources application which is compatible in any devices
ResourcePlus mobile version applications are available for the users to use in the smart devices
ResourcePlus workflow approval process depending on setting company policy and procedures, user can do the visibility, track history of actions, escalations, unlimited alerts for each actions etc. are advanced features of ResourcePlus product
Role & Organization Unit based authentication strengthen the application permission settings & control over the application usage
Scalable to suit growing HR business needs of small, medium and large organizations
Streamline the company workflow automation process can be reduces HR costs
User profile management for easy of ResourcePlus application administration
View and permission management of dashbaords
Workflow processes are configuring depending on company policy and procedure then configured with Roles instead independent of individuals so the system reduces dependency on resources
Advance options of modify the application interface by customizable menu icons, module and page colors
Advanced features of add-hoc reports features to generate dynamic reports easily and provide access for any other permitted roles
Dashboards available to analyse the KPI's against workflow process to improve and measure company's workforce performance.
Dashboards for Top Management for the continuous monitoring of companies trend and performance in different areas
Flow of activities as per business process definitions
Free of charge for any customization within the scope of work
Management can fix baseline to measure performance of each workflow tasks to get the best performance and if incase the task owner doesn’t do the action within timeframe then send escalation alerts to his manager or any selected person
ResourcePlus can be Integrate with Active directory for users to manage Single Sign On
Single punch in attendance system for selected roles such as sales team, outside workers etc.
System deliver with default menu and roles however user can create custom menu's and permission settings
Unlimited alert settings for all workflow tasks related actions in workflow like approval. Re-work, Reject etc
Customization of dashbaords
e-Documents flow through a set of predefined actors to complete a process
Kiosk (workstation for self services) in store to perform the time check and apply all HR services especially employee self services
Punching software through mobile application with location capturing facility to record attendance and also activities
ResourcePlus have strong extendable framework and can provide integration with any 3rd party application on demand
Employee Self Service Portal
Advance social media style self explanatory Employee Self Service Features
Approve the permitted workflow tasks by the requestor itself by auto refreshing the page
Employee Self Service functionality to improve employee relationship with the support service functions such as HR , Finance, Administration and IT departments
Features for changing password or any other permitted information can manage by the user
Functionalities of executing permitted workflows, View received workflows, Track workflow, and Share workflows
General News and Events can be publish and user can view without even login to the portal.
Provide different features to stay informed about your organization such as News & Events, public holidays, to do list etc.
Rich Dashboards for the employee to view self information’s
Supervisor/Manager can manage his own team/subordinates (to see employee attendance, leave, payment details etc. based on edition permission)
Supervisors or any other permitted user can Review & take actions on various workflow requests
Support for any kinds of leave such as Annual leave, sick leave, hajj leave, Iddah Leave, etc.
Vacation calculator feature for users
View Employee contacts within the organization
View or edit login employees personal details, dependant details, contact details, document details, apply for leave or any other permitted workflow process
View pay-slips
Create and manage service desk tickets by the supersors for others
Create new service desk ticket by self
Dashboards available to measure the KPI's against workflow based deliverables
Employee Accountability (Vehicle or Assets like Laptop, sim card, etc) in ESS
Employee Orientation / induction kit for new arrivals
HRM Analysis Reports for employee attrition etc.
Manage and define Expense Claim depending on company policy
Manage and track subordinates tasks, vacations, incidents, attendance, activities etc
Manage Business travel and can linked with Expense Claim module
Manage day to day tasks & timesheet
Manage outgoing Log of employee
Manage permitted service desk tickets
Monitor timesheets & track time utilization in projects
Submit / Approve timesheets for timekeepers depending on organization unit permissions
Supervisor can monitor and approve subordinate's timesheets
Supervisor to approve exceptional attendance entry approval
View and Manage support contacts
View Attendance logs and exceptional entries of login user
View Employee payroll feed transactions of login user
View Expense Claim details of login user
View Letters / Certificates of login user
View payment advance or deduction history details of login user
View self compensation and benefits plans
View Ticket / Exit re-entry eligibilities of login user
Employee create and manage sophisticated CV by using CV builder
Self service features to project teams to know their assignments, available exception time balances
Set target goals to employee & review performance
View Employee Training, Performance and Objectives
Personnel Administration
Alerts for expiry of Company documents such as Company Registration (CR), Zakat certificate etc.
Alerts for expiry of employee documents such as Iqama, Passport, employment contract etc.
All kinds of selected document renewal Process
Dependents Information Management
Detailed employee Information include employee personnel details, contractual, contact, dependants, documents and financial details
Detailed employee search facility
Document Expiry Notifications. All kind of documents (Iqama, passport, medical etc.) for employee and dependents can attach and also can set custom alert for expiry notifications
Document Manager (Visa, Passport etc) with expiry date tracking & document upload facility
Dynamically can create any additions or benefits or any kinds of attribute by using employee profile related attribute groups (benefits/deductions/contributions) and attributes with formula writing capabilities
Effective tracking of expiry dates of various employee documents by sending automated alerts
Employee Contact Information Management (Permanent, Emergency, Home etc.)
Employee Information captured in detail
Employee Separation Process with Exit Interview, Demobilization of Accountability, End of Service Benefits calculation and Final settlement
Employment Contract can renewal by Manually or Bulk Automatic Renewal Options
Employment Contract Management
End of service benefits calculations depending on country labor laws
Grade wise position and benefits mapping
Intelligently notify the Bank Loan linked employees during Final Settlement of employee separation
Iqama Job title, Iqama Name are capturing separately
Manage Advance Requests like Loan, Salary Advance, etc
Manage dictionary of names in English & Arabic to make data entry easier
Manage different compensation plan can implement by categorizing Employee Profile and Grade Profile
Manage different contributions such as Medical, Ticket, Exit re-entry visa.
Manage different types of employement contracts such as regular contract employees, HRDF employees, Lumpsum payment employment contract - manage sub contract employees
Managing and tracking of Employee data with historical background
Organization Management by creating hierarchy of tree depending organization structure
Organization wise Nationality Report & Nationalization Report for government labor law compliance
Position and Organization hierarchy Management
Separated employee rejoin process enables the employee with same previous settings initialized eligibilities
Support Saudi government Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) payments and deductions
Various Document Expiry reports
Accountability / asset clearance linked with employee separation (resign/termination etc.)
Air Ticket / Exit Re-Entry Eligibility Management
Automatic change the time schedule when moving the employee between organization
Bulk Employee Data Update
Create new or modify Letters / Certificates
Employee data change related Audit History
Employee probation management
Employee Re-assignment / Transfer and ReportingTo re-assignment
Employees Ticket and Exit Re-entry eligibility management
End of service benefits calculation factors can customize based on separation type and countries rules
Graphical representation of Organization Unit with export to PDF functionality
Letters and certificates auto generation depending on company templates, signature for chamber of commerce, different format support for same document type etc.
Manages Probationary Employees
New certificates/qualification addition
Petty Cash option for required employees
Timely notifications about Probationary period completion
Employment contract document can generate from the system
Features of On-boarding and joining after confirm recruitment process
Probation Confirmation can be linked with performance evaluation
Leave Management
Any time tracking of leave computation details
Approve the generated vacation payment for ERP quick Payment
Automated process of leave balance calculation, carry forward, lapse
Detailed view of Employee Leave Utilization
Efficiently and accurately manage leave eligibility and leave utilization
In Kingdom, Out Kingdom or Out Kingdom with dependants Leave request and rejoin Process
Leave Cancellation Process even after complete the leave approval process
Leave entitlement based contract / employment period / Year / Days
Leave process based on leave profile settings
Leave Request Summary
Leave Salary Payment and Payroll Salary Advance Payment Generation
Leave Settlement (Encash leave or carryforward leave) for Employees
Management of accrued leaves
Management of various leave types
Options for Leave payment generation thru payroll or thru leave process
Profile level and Employee level leave settings
Public holiday or week end off can exclude or include in leave facility
Supervisors to view leave balance and authorize leave
System Leave Opening Balance
Vacation Calculator facility for ESS employee and Managers
View applicants task details
Compensatory leave eligibility based on timesheet overtime worked
Linked Leave Process with Air Ticket and Exit Re-entry eligibility
Penalty generation option for absent days based on settings
Summary and breakdown view of Employees Annual Leave
Suspend Leave to book during employee suspend period
Update Actual Leave Start Date after the Leave Start to know the actual start date during rejoin
Advance options for Auto generate the timesheet based on shift for the selected employees
Auto suspend of payroll amount for the payment hold employees
Automatic deduction and benefits calculates while running the payroll from different business process such as Previous Month deductions / benefits, Advance Request, Manual Feed, Additional Feed Request, Government Relations, Leave Process, Final Settlement, Expense Claim, Letters/Certificates Request, etc. these auto filled values are generate within the scope of work of different editions
Calculation and process of salary as per rules of the Company
Company Public Holiday management
Disburse Payroll Amount thru bank, cash or cheque
Fetch the employee master and other master information’s during the beginning of the payroll process and do the complete payroll with this information
Generate and verify Payroll option
Generate Bank Statements and Bank Disc
Integration with other modules to generate input to payroll process
Leave advance amount Payment can pay immediate through ERP or along with payroll salary options
Manage Employee Feed Transactions (advance payments, loan deductions, other deduction , penalty deduction etc. )
Manage Overtime factors
Manual or automatic suspend payroll processed amount option
Monthly summary wise timesheet / daily timesheet are available, this option support for processing Payroll based on imported or manual entry timesheet summary for the employees those who does not require day wise timesheet
Multiple options for configure Payroll calculation based on calendar days or fixed days fixed hour or fixed days shift hour based on company policy option
Non disbursement and Finalization process options to manage the actual timesheets after cutoff date
Option for creating the Manual Feed
Pay the Feed amount or Suspense Amount thru payroll or Pay through ERP
Payroll Adjustment entries management before payroll approval
Payroll can generate so many ways such as generate Payroll with Timesheet summary for timesheet required employee. Timesheet summary can be auto generated from attendance or timesheet summary import
Plenty of reports like Pay-slip, Employee Payroll Datasheet, Months payroll comparison, Partial Absence and Full Absence, Overtime, GOSI Reports, etc
Advanced option for auto generate timesheet internally to process the payroll depending on shifts and also can read from Attendance logs, with detailed timesheet or with timesheet Summary options
Fetch the generated/created Timesheet for 'Timesheet required' employees
Government relation management + any additional/personal request like Exit Re-entry etc. will be deducted from employee's salary automatically
Manage Increments or package changes thru Salary Appraisal process
Partial Absent hours booking facility
Automatically calculates employees’ less hours, worked hours and gross hours based on assigned shift hours
Easily manage crucial time changes, such as holidays and off days
Easy to track late comers, early leaves, present/absent employees and tardiness percentage.
Employee attendance tracking reports
Enables performing some HR key functions such as tracking absence, vacations and business travels
Makes shift allocation systematic and easy. Easily cerate flexible shifts including Normal and Ramadan hours, break hours, grace hours, attendance punch consideration for that day shift timings, etc
Manual generation of exceptional attendance entries based employee shift hours with approval facility
Monthly Attendance Register gives the visual representation of daily attendance
Ramadan Shift auto change management based on Ramadan period
Rule builder driven time calculation for payroll processing
Set shift for organization or employee, management of multiple shifts
Single punch in attendance system for out door employees
Tracking your employees' time and productivity while on the clock helps save you valuable resources, including time and money
Update exceptions manually and customized import of manual swipes thru excel format
User friendly, flexible and full featured employee attendance system which allows controlling employees’ attendance by automating timekeeping and attendance tracking and supports a variety of time-capture mechanisms
Auto sync and re-sync option to synchronize attendance punch device data and view detailed sync history (generate the unsynced data reason like employee missing, shift mismatch, etc)
Captures data from attendance punch database and simultaneously allows auto and also can view employees IN/OUT punches including exceptional entries
Integrate with attendance devices
Online dashboards for real-time status of team members
Option to integrate with any of the ResourcePlus modules like Personnel Administration, Leave Management, Business Travel, Timesheet and Payroll
Rule builder to define absent marking criteria, overtime (OT), hours worked etc.
Additional Allowance / Deduction Entry Request
General Card Request (ID card, business card etc.)
Leave Process (Annual leave, hajj leave, maternity leave, sick leave, paternity leave etc.)
Contract Renewal Process
Employee Separation Process (Resignation, Termination or Death)
Expense Claim
Government Relations
Group or individual Business Travel workflow for local trips or international trips
Letters and Certificates Request
Salary Advance or house rent allowance or loan advance Request
Accommodation Request
Addition / Deletion / Change of Dependent
Air Ticket Request
Employee Probation Confirmation
General Request
Leave Cancellation
Maintenance Request
Payroll Approval
Performance Generate
Performance Goal Amendments
Performance Goal Setting
Purchase Request
Recruitment Process
SIM Request
Stationary Request
Ticket / ERE Request for Dependants
Timesheet OT Approval
Transportation Request
Dashboards are available for each module
Mobile attendance punches can be viewed on Google Maps
The dashboards are listed according to employee permissions
Benefits, overtime etc. can be linked with grade wise settings
Day wise timesheet or timesheet summary options for timesheet required employees
Facility for book required day wise timesheet for 'Timesheet NOT required' employees
Facility to configure the payment calculation on different leave type separately, so each leave type selected payment benefits numerators for Full Absent, Partial Absent, Unpaid, etc
Generate/Import and Manage Employee Timesheets
Manage Company public holidays, Ramadan period etc.
Support different timesheet approval roles depending on requirements such as immediate supervisor, timekeeper for permitted site/organization group, head of the department etc.
Timesheet generation is based on employees shift or attendance punch and the generated timesheet can be modified as per actual
Government Relation
Capture payments and integrate employee deductions with Payroll
Document Expiry Notifications. All kind of documents (Iqama, passport, medical etc.) for employee and dependents can attach and also can set custom alert for expiry notifications
Employee Document ownership management to track the original document custody
Manage company documents and its expiry notifications like COC, CR copy , Zakat certificate etc.
Option to update employee document renewal details during govt relation request process
Track, monitor and internal process for all the renewal/process activities related to government relation
Various types of Company and Employee documents renewal process include approvals, collect support documents, track payments etc.
Expense Claim
Eligibility tracking and expense claim reimbursement
Employee’s reimbursable claims process
Expense claim eligibility on hotel, air ticket, rent car etc. are based on defined employees grade eligibility
Expense classification based on grade so it will helpful for easy implementation of business rules
Integration with Business Travel
Integration with Payroll
Per diem are calculated based on country, location & hourly spend in the trip
Petty Cash claim thru Expense claim
Repeated claim against same business travel facility
Expenses can enter in Multi-currency support
Vehicle Management
Allocation based on transportation eligibility or Additional assignment
Automatic conversion plate number to Arabic format
Can allocate to an organization, employee or pool
Handles the activities related to the vehicle
Manage vehicles service records and fine records
Managing of vehicle category, types, manufacturer, model, model year, colour, etc.
Supervisors can view the audit trial
Tracking of Vehicles, Lease Information & vehicles local purchase orders
Asset Management
Asset allocation and de allocation
Asset and its allocations, Deallocation, barcode and QRCode generation
Change Asset Item Status
Company wise store wise Asset Management
Move Asset Item between Store
Move Asset Item for Service
Prepare barcode or QRcode for items based on settings
Print Asset Item Receipt/Acknowledgments/Barcode/QRcode
Store wise Stock Summary
Business Travel
Business travel process linked with expense claim
Business travel requests and approvals
Dynamic approval hierarchy based on travelling employees designation
Expense claim eligibility based on defined employees grade eligibility
Local & Overseas business travel request will flow through different process levels
Multiple travellers (employees or externals) in same travel request
Per diem are calculated based on country, location & hourly spend in the trip
Request for tickets, transportation, accommodation, pickup, etc
Service Desk
Additional approval request on time facility
Assign support ticket automatically to teams
Create/manage teams or team members
Facility to create different service desk units / support service groups
Facility to manage categories, items, problems, priorities, & service desk ticket status
Manage service tickets from IT, HR, Admin and Finance categories
Support multiple teams in a single service desk unit
System status notification for better communication with users
Auto closing of completed ticket after a certain period
Service desk ticket escalation based on time and priority
Performance Evaluation
Critical positions selection from the organization charts and identification of successors and immediate implementation
Employee Performance Evaluation and Succession Plan
Year wise Employee Performance evaluation
Block Visa
Allocate the block visa to Agent, Candidate, Employee or mark as utilized
Assign Block visa to different countries based on visa category
Block Visa summary to view the status of different visas
Bulk allocation of work visas
Manage and utilize block work visa
Integrated with Recruitment
Manpower Planning
Analysing the current manpower inventory, Resource requirement evaluation
Analysis of resource availability
Current Manpower/Recruitment forecast reports
Day, Week or Month wise analysis of Actual, Planned, Required, Scheduled Hire, Scheduled IN, Scheduled OUT, Separation Employees on Each Project, position
Different charts like Manpower Plan, Plan Vs Hiring, Plan Vs Actual
Final Review by higher Authorities
Forecasting resource for entire organization to provide a sufficient number of qualified personnel
HR Delivery & Measurements
HR scorecards for management reporting
Making future manpower forecasts, Headcount analysis & finalization
Manpower planning head count summary based on various criteria
Multi selection reports and dashboards
Position hierarchy charts availability across the organizations
Project, position wise manpower plan and hiring plan
Provide basis for preparation of annual budget estimation
Release, transfer or separate employees from a project
Satellite view of Company wise Manpower Planning requirements
View detailed project wise or occupation wise headcount in day, week or month
Active recruitment process progress report
Candidate joining and on boarding process
Capture recruitment related costs against process
Costing sheet for cost calculating fully loaded cost
CVs Databank using applicant tracking system and powerful searching and filtering options
Detailed recruitment process task status enquiry
Evaluation based on predefined organization, Career Level, Job and Position specific competencies
Functionality for calculate the recruitment cost
Hiring Local national & expatriates to manage different process
Manages recruitment agencies and media
Recruitment process stage
Recruitment status live updates
Revenue lose calculation on hourly / daily basis
Short listing, interview scheduling & evaluation
Talent acquisition and management
Various offer templates for Saudis, expatriates, graded and non graded staffs, etc
View Recruitment Process Task Owners Details
Allocation of visa types/block visa
Assigning Visa to candidates of requested nationality
Category wise candidate mobilization process
Encrypted mobilization data for security
Managing visa for candidates
Mobilization process chart for evaluating the time taken for different stages
Option to check for alternate visa if preferred visa not available
Sending of visa details to agents
Sharing of visa details with agents
The management of all staff visa requirements and mobilization process
Tracking of visa processing, e-Wakala and available visas
Project Timesheet
Auto generation option of employee daily timesheets based on shift or attendance punch and editable facility, approvals
Easy tracking of project/client wise income
Project based employee timesheet tracking and management
Provides real time analytical reports to view all project and workforce cost and billing information.
Seamless integration with the existing payroll system
Self-service features to project teams to know their assignments, available exception time balances such as vacation, sick or other leave time.
Streamline timesheet submissions and approvals with overtime tracking
Supports company wise and specific employee scheduling and time tracking requirements
Track project progress and profitability
Performance Management
Cascading Goals - Cascading is a process where a manager share some of the goals from their own goal plan with their employees
Employee Self-Assessment, Performance assessment by Manger, Performance review by HOD
Goal Settings - A measurable desired result which an employee or organization tries to achieve within a specific timeframe
It provides real-time analytical reports for viewing all project and workforce cost and billing information.
Make Goal Amendments.
Project-based time tracking
Review and Accept Goals
The system supports enterprise-wide and department-specific employee scheduling and time tracking requirements
Timely initiation and completion of PMS process
Succession Planning
Critical positions selection from the organization charts and identification of successors and immediate implementation
Integrated HR process that includes Learning and Development and Performance Management
Management of critical positions across the company and identify possible successors with specific time frame
Learning & Development
Training events tracking helps to evaluate the progress and expenses
Advanced scheduling for career development
Facility for assign trainers and venues and generate related correspondence
Generate reports to track nomination details and nomination details
Integrated with Performance Management, allowing proficient management of companies training needs
Offers a clear picture of past training programs which helps in future strategic decision making
Provide a more efficient service to target employees
Provide feedback on training programs affectivity & post training performance
Track undersubscribed courses and view course details for corrective action
Tracking of training can take place on multiple levels
Activity and Target Management
Calendaring, Tasks, Notes, Messages, Email Marketing and Mailing Lists
Company and Contact Management
Lead and Opportunity Management
Manage customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle
Document Dispatch
Confirm item receipt by respective employee
Confirm package receipt by admin
Document Transmittal Sheet
Flexibility to accept document by supervisor on behalf of subordinate and vice versa
Managing of documents transferring from one location to other
Transfer details of documents by various means like courier, by hand, etc
GOSI Management
Allows the user to prepare and submit the GOSI details with minimum effort
Upload the GOSI details, compare with application details and produce GOSI data
Discussion Board
"Post new threads, Post replies for other’s comments
Assign access permission to forums, Allocate moderator for forums & groups
Discussion Forums can be created and managed by company to receive and review the feedback of employees
Moderator assigned to forum can review and approve the messages in order to be displayed in the discussion board
User can post their threads and give their reply to other peoples post in the forums
Create and publish survey to specific target audience
Different types of questions can be created. Questions can be classified inside multiple groups in a survey
Employee can attend the survey and download his attended details. Various analysis reports are being provided to evaluate the survey summary
Conference Room Management
Alerts on Booking & Approval, Room booking Approval required can be configured
Approvals or Rescheduling or Cancellation based on priority
Conference Rooms or facilities can be created and permitted users can do the room booking by selecting the date and time that you will need the facility
Rooms Manager can approve the request or reschedule the booking depend on priority or cancel the request
Ad-hoc Reports and Snapshots
Custom alert notification from the generated snapshots
From the available views in the system any ad-hoc reports can be generated and published instantly
Generate custom reports and snapshots from the available views
Role wise permission settings