Portal Functionalities

Access to policies, procedures & reporting structure

Portal Functionalities

Alert notification redirection or Send custom message along with alerts

Portal Functionalities

Alerts & Reminders to keep the workforce updated on status

In Brief

The system will be delivered by using ResourcePlus portal – an enterprise portal having a rich set of features of functionalities for Employee Self Service hosted in intranet portal for managing electronic workflows and application modules – by adding required modules.

  1. Advanced management of multiple System Administrator Functionalities

  1. Advanced options of skipping the the workflow tasks based on organization needs

  1. Advanced Portal / User security & rights management

  1. Alerts & Reminders to keep the workforce updated on status

  1. All important dates are captured in Gregorian and Hijra dates auto conversions

  1. All important text values are captured in Arabic and English data

  1. Application User management features are providing many options in permission level

  1. Attractive and self explanatory Employee Self Service functionality to improve employee relationship with the support functions

  1. Customizable banners, news and events for the ResourcePlus login website

  1. Customization for Alert notifications in different ways

  1. Eliminate paper based manual processes with Electronic Workflows

  1. Employee visibility for to policies, procedures & reporting structure

  1. Enforce measurability & accountability of vehicle, mobile, sim card etc. through the system

  1. Entire workflow or individual tasks ownership can be shared while vacation as temporary or permanent features

  1. Excellent to manage the page level and menu level permission for any role in the system

  1. Facility for configuring any country's labor law in the system, Saudi labor law configured by default

  1. Flexible and easy usage of application interface can reduce the employment costs

  1. Keep track the history of each workflow process related actions taken by actors

  1. Quick access of historical workflow process details because of electronic workflows

  1. Report level permission management feature to control the permitted access of informations

  1. ResourcePlus has both English and Arabic interface with data capture in both language at same time for the users to login and use the application in their own wish

  1. ResourcePlus has plenty of reports available on each module under English and Arabic languages with functionality of exporting to different document format such as Excel, Word, PDF, etc

  1. ResourcePlus is a responsive web based Human Resources application which is compatible in any devices

  1. ResourcePlus mobile version applications are available for the users to use in the smart devices

  1. ResourcePlus workflow approval process depending on setting company policy and procedures, user can do the visibility, track history of actions, escalations, unlimited alerts for each actions etc. are advanced features of ResourcePlus product

  1. Role & Organization Unit based authentication strengthen the application permission settings & control over the application usage

  1. Scalable to suit growing HR business needs of small, medium and large organizations

  1. Streamline the company workflow automation process can be reduces HR costs

  1. User profile management for easy of ResourcePlus application administration

  1. View and permission management of dashbaords

  1. Workflow processes are configuring depending on company policy and procedure then configured with Roles instead independent of individuals so the system reduces dependency on resources

  1. Advance options of modify the application interface by customizable menu icons, module and page colors

  1. Advanced features of add-hoc reports features to generate dynamic reports easily and provide access for any other permitted roles

  1. Dashboards available to analyse the KPI's against workflow process to improve and measure company's workforce performance.

  1. Dashboards for Top Management for the continuous monitoring of companies trend and performance in different areas

  1. Flow of activities as per business process definitions

  1. Free of charge for any customization within the scope of work

  1. Management can fix baseline to measure performance of each workflow tasks to get the best performance and if incase the task owner doesn’t do the action within timeframe then send escalation alerts to his manager or any selected person

  1. ResourcePlus can be Integrate with Active directory for users to manage Single Sign On

  1. Single punch in attendance system for selected roles such as sales team, outside workers etc.

  1. System deliver with default menu and roles however user can create custom menu's and permission settings

  1. Unlimited alert settings for all workflow tasks related actions in workflow like approval. Re-work, Reject etc

  1. Customization of dashbaords

  1. e-Documents flow through a set of predefined actors to complete a process

  1. Kiosk (workstation for self services) in store to perform the time check and apply all HR services especially employee self services

  1. Punching software through mobile application with location capturing facility to record attendance and also activities

  1. ResourcePlus have strong extendable framework and can provide integration with any 3rd party application on demand

ResourcePlus by NetSoftPro, a strategic Human Resource Solution is a portal based integrated Human Resources Suite that is developed using a scalable Architecture & Frameworks to cater to the evolving organizational needs.

  • NSP Solutions Private Limited 39/76-C, II Floor, Bharati Building, Mahakavi G. Road, Karikkamuri, Cochin, Kerala, India - 682011

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