How ResourcePlus will Help You ?

How ResourcePlus will Help You ?

How ResourcePlus will Help You ?

Improve operational efficiency by standardizing and automating business processes

ResourcePlus has a set of built-in best practice business processes related to Human Resource, Administration, Finance, and IT department that improves the operational efficiency. These processes are implemented through self service features for the best results and significantly improve employee productivity.

Retain the best talented employees

Identifying and retaining the best talented and performing employees is essential for an organization to be effective and successful. ResourcePlus provides a set of tools, features and process in order to set objectives, monitor, and evaluate the performance of the employee by using best practices. Our product also helps to identify the successor for critical positions, train them and define compensation packages.

A solid foundation for growth

Implementing ResourcePlus put a solid foundation to position your business for faster growth and better performance. By setting up organizational, divisional, departmental objectives and targets, ResourcePlus define, monitor, and assess your organizational strategy and also identifies areas of business improvement. It helps you to visualize your organization in terms of organization alignment, position alignment, time & compensation management, and task management with required localization support. Its technological advantages allow you to integrate other systems and share data between various systems.

Easy Access to Information from ResourcePlus Database

ResourcePlus provide a better way of accessing Human Resource information and ensures employee participation in each process and related activities. As the data are captured form various entry points, HR professionals can spend less time to manage data and spend more time developing employees. ResourcePlus has rich set of tools to manage data access permissions and data visibility to various roles across the organization.

Candidate Self-Service

Jobs are published in ResourcePlus portal for internal candidates and also website for external candidates. Candidates can apply for open positions and enter data. The data entered by the candidate is updated in the ResourcePlus CV databank that are available to the HR professionals for further activities and it can be converted to employee records when the candidate has been offered a position.

Employee Self-Service

Empower employees to view and update their own employee information, contact details, dependant details, view/update day to day tasks, access policies and procedures, reporting structure of the organization, view their compensation and benefits plans, payslips, access various dashboards, refer to FAQs, request time off, message board, stay up to date on the latest news from your organization and initiate various requests such as Leave request, business travel request, expense claim, business card request, and various service requests.

Manager Self-Service

With routable workflows and alerts, managers are able to better manage their employees and take actions very quickly. Above to the Employee Self-Service, Manager Self-Service supports a lot of functionalities to Managers in managing day to day activities and decision making. Managers can approve or deny various requests, set goals to employee, complete performance reviews, assign tasks or reassign between subordinates, incident records, workflow task delegation between team members, view position chart of team members, view attendance of team members, review and approve timesheets of team members, access to various dashboards, and more.

Supporting Your Entire Organization

ResourcePlus is an enterprise level software solution scalable for small to large organizations. The solution support configuring a single company to large enterprises with multiple locations and multiple companies with single or multiple HR departments. It streamlines the business processes of key functional units such as HR, Admin, Finance, and Information Technology.